

Volunteers are a vital part of our engagement with the community

While Cormac provides a baseline level of maintenance, in line with the service level agreements with the council, local residents often want to take their open spaces to another level. Cormac provides support to locals, helping the community take ownership of their parks and public areas. Meanwhile Cormac’s Staff Volunteering Policy empowers every member of our own team to give at least one day’s annual leave to volunteer locally

Be A Part Of Cormac

Be involved within your community

From individuals wanting to plant flowers on the verge outside their house, to teams of people working to manage local woodland, and from residents re-wilding their local park, to locals weeding open spaces – Cormac helps to co-ordinate their activities.

We offer indemnity insurance and advice and guidance for our volunteers, as well as supporting community volunteers in applying for grants to improve public spaces – for example, re-instating play equipment or adding new seating.

Our Making Space for Nature scheme is dependent on volunteers taking on the mantle after Cormac has completed the initial landscaping and planting works. Our urban ranger works with the local community volunteers for twelve months after the works are completed, after which, they are able to maintain their open space without guidance.

To find out more about volunteering opportunities in your area please contact us at , or send us a message using the form at the bottom of this page.

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    Volunteers supporting Cormac in Cornwall in 2022

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    Volunteer hours this year

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    Community Groups Working With Cormac

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