Major Works in a Tight Spot
Finding solutions
Bodmin's double-span bridge is over one hundred and fifty years old. The structure itself had become corroded and the masonry weakened. Cormac were appointed to design and carry out the complex refurbishments. We ensured that the road that runs along the top of the bridge and the railway that runs beneath were safeguarded for the future.
Both bridges were dismantled, and their large cast iron beams and parapets were removed and transported off site to a specialist contractor for sand blasting and repainting. The existing abutments were inspected and repaired, and the stonework carefully dismantled to be cleaned and reused later in reconstruction, maintaining the original look and character.
Once the cast iron edge beams had been refurbished and repositioned back on the abutments, the deck of the bridge was rebuilt. The deck was built using pretensioned, steel reinforced, concrete beams, that will blacken over time from the train smoke. The exposed refurbished edge beams maintain the historical integrity of the bridge, and provide a fitting backdrop for the steam locomotives used on the Bodmin and Wenford Railway.
Cormac worked closely throughout the project with Bodmin & Wenford Railway, nearby businesses and residents keeping everyone informed as works progressed.