Our services to Cornwall
The Highways and Environment Term Service Contract that we have in place with Cornwall Council means we are responsible for a number of specific services across the county and our fact sheets detail the work we do.
- Routine and reactive maintenance activities including winter maintenance, safety defect repairs, emergency response, gully cleaning and road marking
- Winter maintenance
- Gritting routes and interactive map
- Roadside hedge and tree management
- Landowners guide to roadside hedge and tree management
- Pothole repair
- Highway improvement schemes including carriageway and footway resurfacing, footway and trail construction, drainage and traffic management
- Bridge and structure maintenance and repairs
- Resurfacing, surface dressing, patching, drainage
- Grass cutting and verge maintenance
- Arboriculture and landscaping
- Enhancement, management and maintenance of the countryside, playgrounds and parks, beaches, bridleways and public rights of way
- Closed churchyards
- School crossing patrols
- Road closures