
Cormac to form part of the Traffex conference agenda

16 May 2024

Dominic Bostock, Managing Director of Cormac, will deliver a presentation entitled ‘Unlocking the Power of Transformation through Teckal Collaboration’ at this year’s Traffex event.

Traffex Cormac Post PNG

Visitor registration is now open for the event, which takes place from 22-23 May 2024 and is moving to a new venue – the CBS Arena in Coventry. The event is co-located with Parkex, Cold Comfort and the inaugural Evex event.

Supported by National Highways, Traffex brings together local authorities, contractors, and suppliers responsible for maintaining and managing the UK road network. 

Parkex is the flagship conference hosted by the British Parking Association, and Cold Comfort leads the debate on the extreme weather service sector. Completing the line-up is Evex, a brand-new event this year for electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure. Evex has been launched to facilitate discussions between local authorities, National Highways, and EV infrastructure contractors and suppliers.

Dominic is Cormac’s Managing Director and leader of Cornwall Council’s highways, environment, and civil engineering Teckal company, with 1,000 employees and £130m pa turnover. 

His knowledge of building the largest and most mature Teckal highways business in the UK has made him keen to socialise Cormac’s unique model, the 11 years’ experience as a Teckal company, and provide a case study for highway authorities who may be evaluating their service delivery model, whether that be transforming a DLO into a Teckal or “insourcing” services from private sector delivery into a Teckal.

During his presentation, Dominic will challenge the audience to think about doing things differently.

He will cover: 

  • How the Teckal exemption works in practice, allowing Cormac to operate as a council-owned company, the largest of its kind in the UK, with a turnover of £145 million and 1,000 employees in the South West.
  • Examining increased customer satisfaction and the activity of other council-owned companies in different parts of the country.

Dominic will deliver this session in the Management and Mobility Theatre at 11.45am on Thursday 23rd May

Delegates can register for free here:



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